Thursday, March 26, 2015

Back to Work

This is my third day of work for this spring. Elmer and I saw or heard our first redwing blackbird today. We have snowdrops in fat bud if not quite in full bloom yet. We may discontinue this blog- if we do, feel free to call me at 802-785-2167, The EC Browns' Nursery in Thetford Center, VT. One thing I'm interested in for 2015 is to make juice using only Aronia melanocarpa, black chokeberry (or some feel aronia berry sounds more palatable. Previously, I've made excellent juice usinf 'aronia berries' with other frui such as Schizandra and elderberry. I have read two articles about this fruit over the winter and apparently they are widely used in Europe: by the way they seem to have more antioxidants than any other fruit and are easy to grow.