Friday, October 5, 2012

Daffodil talk

I'm giving a talk on daffodils tomorrow morning at 10:00AM  for the nursery.  There is a charge of ten dollars as we have to rent the Thetford community center.  As I've given other talks on plants and have a yearly "daffodil walk" at my house with tea and something to eat to go with a tour of my plantings (for free), I suspect there will not be that many takers.  Also anyone can come to the nursery anytime for my advice.

As I  have been growing and planting daffodils for more than fifty years, I guess I have some experience but I don't consider myself a daffodil expert.  I just this afternoon learned about the daffodil code used by the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) and the ADS (American Daffodil Society).  By this system, a daffodil such as 'Ice Follies' would be 2W-Y--it's in division 2 and the perianth segments are white and the corona, yellow.  'Serola' would be 2Y-O: with a yellow perianth and an orange cup.

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